Where to begin?
I cannot remember a time when I did not want to be a kindergarten teacher, it has been my dream for that long! I have also taught Special Education, pre-kindergarten, second grade, fifth grade, literacy and enrichment. I received my bachelor’s degree from Fitchburg State College in Special Education. I met my husband when his brother married my college roommate. We have four children who were all raised here in beautiful Vernon. They are amazing-must be the Vernon water!
I have lived in Vernon for 28 years.
Crazy things you should know- I love to cook. I think moving furniture around at home and school is cathartic. I love to drive tractors and garden. I also, to my husband’s chagrin, enjoy tearing out walls-but I hate sheetrocking! He will be so excited I am running out of walls to tear out! I think just one more!
My new favorite color is salmon. I love to read, but do not read enough-it may be because I fall asleep during movies and before I read a full chapter. I want to go up in a hot air balloon and ride a Vespa.
My goals this year: Provide my students with more hands on Science experiences and opportunities to discover. Create and maintain a Kindergarten Blog, this is a tough one, but I have some new ideas! Make school fun and exciting. Build a pizza oven, this has been on the to do list 3 years, run, visit my own children more often, and find a better balance in life. My goals are lofty, but I believe my students and I should reach for the stars in all that we do!